July 29, 2020

Processed Foods are Killing Us! – Healthy Ketogenic Diet

we start to understand that the foodcompany is not focused on our health the foods that they're selling to us areaddictive by design scientists working in labs and then testing it on people tosee that which one would you not be able to put down which one would you finishthe

whole bag which one would you have to run back to store and buy more helloeveryone welcome to Mind Blowing Health and Wellness with Violet I'm Violet I'm apsychologist the reason that I make these videos is because I want everyoneto understand that's your physical and mental health come together

to createthat overall sense of well-being if you find these kind of videos helpful pleaseconsider subscribing we need to understand that is the food companiesjob to get us to buy foods and I'm putting foods and air quotes here to getus to buy these processed chemicals that they call food

to eat rather than eatingwhole foods so rather than going to the grocery and buying some meat and someveg and going home and cooking a meal I'm going to the grocery store and I'mbuying a box of something or a bag of something that I'm gonna eat instead ofwhole food

we need to understand this as a business and the benefit is not for meright I'm not the one benefiting from this although at the time of doing thosekind of foods I thought I was and I was doing that to you laterfood companies add chemicals and manipulate the fat

sugar salt ratios offoods to make them hyper palatable and what that really means is that when youput it in your mouth the reaction that's your brain and your taste buds havetogether is so intense that you want to eat itover and over and over again I remember this when

I think about chocolate or howI used to react to chocolate I should say wow I chased chocolate I mean Ichased it you know and I think that especially when you're talking aboutchocolate that has other things in it so now we have chocolate and maybe there'scaramel and maybe there's

nuts so that salt and sweetgoing on it to me I look back on that and I don't understand how I didn'trealize that I was being manipulated food companies are trying their best toget you and I to spend our money on processed foods when it comes to thenutritional value

of these foods and again inter quotes the reason that I'mso convinced that this is about purchases rather than about our healthis that food companies will actively deceive consumers when it comes to whatis in the product whether we're talking about the nutritional label where theyare allowed to put zero

carbohydrates when in actuality it's point six whichthey're allowed to do for fat as well they can put zero when it's point sixthe fact that they're allowed to call sugar by different names to try toconfuse people and I think we've become more discerning now and we know some ofthe

names for sugar like we can tell that anything that ends in Oz is a sugarand we can tell that cane sugar isn't better for you than just sugar but I'msaying we can just because some of us know that doesn't mean that there aren'tothers of us that see pure

cane sugar and think oh wow that's better thanregular table sugar it's the same I feel like what food companies do ismanipulative and allows us to have this false sense of we're doing somethingbetter for ourselves because well I didn't need the chocolate bar I ate asandwich with this whole-grain

bread not realizing that that whole-grain breadactually and the chocolate bar have the same amount of sugar in them so affectedmy body the same way because your body behaves a certain way when it comes intocontact with carbs and we need to understand that carbohydrates break downin our body a

certain way and then get used a certain way so from my body anapple or chocolate bar once it's inside and being utilized it's the same when welook at the history of soda I think what the food companies have been up tobecomes so apparent and so that's the example

that I want to use rightnow because going back in history coca-cola was called coca-cola becausethere was cocaine in it is something that we all know eventually we realizedthat cocaine was addictive and it was taken out and so now coca-cola had tofind a way to get people to continue

to drink their product knowing that theywere no longer addicted to the coke and so let's pretend that they didn't knowbut what did they turn around and do they turned around and said well wecan't be cocaine in any longer well we're gonna put sugar and caffeine in itwell caffeine

is addictive and so sugar so we took out one addictive substance Ireplaced with something else and then over the course of years as we'velearned that sugar is not great for our healththat sure was causing us to get to causing so many people to be overweightand co and we

asked coke maybe to take the sugar out what do they do they madea diet version with aspartame which we know causes cancer again and it's stillbeing sold its aspartame is still in many products even though we knowaspartame causes cancer my point being when you look at the trajectory

of someof the companies that we're dealing with when you look at the the products thathave heart check marks on them even though they're very high incarbohydrates and we know that carbohydrates are related to heartdisease when you look at the products that are being sold to us as healthywhen

they actually are not we start to understand that the food company is notfocused on our health and actually what's even more apparent is that thefoods that they're selling to us are addictive by design extra sugar in themscientists working in labs finding that correct combination of foods and thentesting

it on people to see that which one would you not be able to put downwhich one would you finish the whole bag which one would you have to run back tostore and buy more this is what they're trying to figure out so that they cankeep us purchasing their

products I want us all think about the fact that wayback when when grandma would make us her special nut fudge cookies that we allloved or whatever your grandmother's specialty was and we would be so happywhen it was our birthday or Christmas Easter or some one of those times

ofyear where we know grandma's gonna make the cookies and we would we would eatthem and we would love them and it was delicious and guess what grandma wasn'ttrying to get us addicted to cookies pay attention what was happening there onspecial occasions grandma would make that special something that

she knew youguys would love and we would eat them and we would love them and then theywouldn't show up again for months because grandma was making us a treat weneed to be careful food companies are not making you treats they're making youfoods that they want you to treat

us foods and eat on a regular daily basisand if you take your treats and make them foods they're now the staples ofyour diet and what happens if treats become the staple of your dietwell now we're building our body based on junk food your muscles and all yourinternal organs

are being based on junk food that's what's fueling and that'swhat's building your body the incomplete proteins that we are getting fromprocessed foods rather than eating whole animal meats and products to build ourbody we're using incomplete proteins we are using incomplete fats to beaut buildand fuel our body I

really need you to stop and think about what that means foryour health in the years to come we already seen the results of it right howmany of us live with constant inflammation constant body pain how manyof us have no energy and can barely get out of bed in

the morning to go to workand then we're dying by the time again how many of us are living therepercussions of not eating Whole Foods like we're supposed to and why is ithappening right why are we eating only those things well we might eat a regularmeal one time a

day and then the rest of our day is full of these foods why whyis that happening to us because carbohydratessugar is extremely addictive and if we don't understand that piece ofinformation the food companies understand it but if us people asindividuals don't allow ourselves to understand a piece of

information wewill contain you to allow ourselves to eat foods thatare inappropriate that are not building a good body and that are harming us Iknow I shouldn't be surprised that we're still eating this way I was I was eatingthis way not too long ago and I shouldn't be surprised

because there area subset of people walking around who absolutely know that carbohydrates arenot good for them who absolutely know that we should be minimizing ourcarbohydrates and yet we'll still buy a chocolate barwe'll still buy a milkshake we'll still eat up make dairy Donald Queen whatliquor we'll still eat

a fast-food restaurant there's a subset of peoplewho are gonna do that because they don't see the immediate problem this is gonnahit me 20 years from now why am I gonna worry about it now andwhen I'm trying to help everybody understand is that when it hits you 20years from

now oh wow are you gonna wish you worried about it today becauseremember cigarette smoking hits you 20 30 yearsfrom now and when it does it's horrendous when it does it's treatmentsand cancer and right emphysema and all these negative things and sugar is thesame thing when it hits you

20 years from now it's not as easy to bounce backfrom why we need to care about this is that it will hit you 20 years from nowand it's going to hurt why wait for that to happen see people still buycigarettes today and people are going to keep buying

chocolate bars today it's myjob to give you guys this information so if I can help one person put down thejunk food and go towards healthier food then that's one person who's not gonnahave to live that horrible negative of diabetes possibly or heart diseasepossibly or Alzheimer's possibly or at

the many myriad of other negatives thatwe can live because we're eating too many carbohydrates and you know what Isaid 20 30 years from now it's not 20 30 years for now for everyone rememberevery person is different we have young children today who are well on their wayto negative

life situations already overweight and their three four yearsold obese some of them by the time they're 78 9 10 and going into their future struggling because adults parents arenot aware that is the carbohydrates making them fatnot the fact they don't run around enough they are running around theirkids

that's what they do it's the carbohydrates that's doing thisto them so I do say for most people is give me 20 30 years down the road butfor some of us unfortunately it hits us much sooner look at your children payattention to them are they doing well because if

they're not you do the thingsthat you need to do to help them to do betteryou know what's brutal is that not everything sold in grocery stores ishealthy and the worst part is that some of the things that are sold in storesfor us to consume are being sold with

the government fully knowing that theseare dangerous products and they shouldn't be sold and you know what it'snot everybody who would chase that food if it wasn't readily available it's noteverybody who would chase cigarettes if they were not readily available it's noteverybody who would chase alcohol was not readily

available sure there aresome people who would chase it the same way there are people who chase drugs butit's not everybody that would chase it however when something is endorsed andputting it on a shelf in a grocery store is endorsing it when something isendorsed guess what we will go

in to consume it because well it's there andit must be healthy right and that's where I'm putting this out there foreveryone to think about that's not true we know that alcohol has a negativeeffect on many people we know carbohydrates has a negative effect onmany people I would even

say there to say carbohydrates and alcohol have anegative effect on everyone but because everyone doesn't drink daily we don'tsee that negative effect right because most people have figured out to keepalcohol as a treat for occasional occasions and we haven't figured thatout you're with with carbohydrates and so most

people do not have a problemwith alcohol because the problems with alcohol happened years ago and wefigured it out this is our time to figure out carbohydrates when I began myketo lifestyle I'll tell you that I did try to find all the replacements for allthe things that I used

to eat and honestly in my head I really felt likeif I didn't find these things how could I possibly do this lifestyle I mean itjust it didn't make sense to me but you know what I wish I had someonelike me to point something out that's so important now

that I know it if thatlifestyle that was behind me got me to the place where I was 70 poundsoverweight with all the working out and exercisingI wouldn't say working out cuz I didn't work out like on the gym but like allthe exercise that I did because I longboard

ski snowboard but just bicyclelike every sport you could think of I did and was still 70 pounds overweightif someone would have told me and if I would have known that it was the sugardo of course which is exactly what happened as soon as I knew it was thesugar

my weight normalized but I was doing what you were doing I was tryingto keep that lifestyle but yet lose weight and it took a little bit for meto figure out you know what it's one or the other if I'm gonna live a healthylife then I need to put

down these foods that cause me to be fat in the firstplace and I did and you can too but it's about recognizing what you actually wantdo you want easy or do you want health because I was the other problem that Ihad I hate cooking I hate it I

still hate it but you know what I hate feelingsick more so today I cook whereas before I didn't what is it that you actuallywant I wanted my health enough that I've started cooking and I cook daily I don'thave to cook daily but I do because I realized that

by cooking daily I couldmake sure that what I'm eating is on track because I'm holding myselfaccountable to the food that's gonna fuel and build my body and I'm willingto do that daily because I do work on myself and my helping happiness daily myhistory of seeking sugary quick meals

and sugary I'm saying sugary I knowthey're sugary now they taste the same to me savory to me at the time you thinkabout a chicken pot pie that savory you're thinking about pizza it tastesmore savory but they're also sugary so chasing quick easy meals put me in a badsituation

and changing that led to no moreinflammation no more joint pains no more back pains regulated my weight that I'velost 70 pounds that I was carrying extra and you know what I loved me before atthe heavier weight I love me today now it this way but I'lltell you something

not living in constant pain is a real benefit it's aplus a plus that I won't give away how are you gonna make your decisions aboutthe food you're gonna buy what are you gonna do to help your family to makebetter choices about the food that they're eating I wish

I would have knownthis years ago because you know what my daughter knows that you don't have anyjunk food or candy before her noon because I taught her that from since shecould walk no junk food before a noon walks Eve since she was 4 years oldthat's when she started

eating junk food not before noon and yes guess what Iwish I was able to also teach her keep your carbohydrates low because if Iwould have taught heard that from four years oldshe'd be on it right now I'm telling you guys so that you can tell your childrenI'm telling

you guys so you can tell it to yourself let's do betterwellness warriors prioritize health over taste so be a wellness warrior I reallyhope you guys found this video helpful if you did please subscribe ring thebell do all the things so you know my nextvideo is coming out for

those of you who might want to contribute to theproduction some of these videos I have a patreon account I want to thank you forwatching Mind Blowing Health and Wellness with VioletI can't wait on guys the next video
